Much like a first date, you probably have lots of questions about the person you will be spending some time with. To make our relationship smoother, here are some frequently asked questions that will be helpful to answer up front so there are no surprises down the road. If I didn't cover something you want to know, just drop me a note or give me a call and I'll happily answer your questions.
How in the heck to do you say "Genauer"?
Genauer is a hard one to say. Here are some hints: rhymes with Power; hard G sound in the beginning; G-now-er.
(Don't worry, I didn't know how to pronounce my now husband's last name for about 3 months into dating him.)
Are you a Mac snob or PC person?
Mac Snob, guilty as charged. I use a Mac platform for all my design work. Yes, there are pros and cons to Mac vs PC but for design I do believe Macs function much better. If you are a PC user (I don't judge), most files will be able to flow between platforms. Just let me know up front if you need to open native files on a PC so we can design around that from the get-go.
Which programs do you use for graphic design?
For 92% of my design projects I use the Adobe Creative Suite (AKA: InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop).
There are special cases when a client needs a file in a different format, say Word or PowerPoint. It is totally understandable if you need a working file to make updates and edits after the initial design has been done. Let's just note this up front so the design is done in the appropriate program from the get-go.
How long have you been doing design?
I have been in the field of graphic design for over twenty years. I received a BA in Integrative Arts with a focus in Graphic Design at The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State). Throughout my career, I have worked with a number of large companies such as Children’s Hospital Colorado, Organic India, New Hope Network (Informa Marketing), Door to Door Organics, Saba Software, Newell Rubber - Amerock, Ayers Saint Gross Architects + Planners. In addition to working with larger companies, I also have worked with smaller (but mighty!) local business such as Magnetika Group, Conscious Cleanse, GoodBuy Gear and more. After all this time, I am still loving every minute of it.